:::enTRy bAwu MUcuxMucUx:::
huhu...smlm aq hangout an mr right aq..hepy cgt..sumenyer berjln agk lancar cume mr right aq lewat cket..pew celop aweq tnggu pwe...p aq mang sngaje dtg awl...aq tnye dy mcm2..yang penting aq ckp an dier FACE TU FACE...so aq leyh tawu dier nipu or ta dripde riaksi muke dier yg ensem uhh..karaoke an dier..wahhhh best gler...yg paling best mmber dier geram an aq...bkn geram apew k..geram an suare aq..dy ckp suare cute mcm muke aq..bhaaa gilebabeng bngge abes2 r aq..mr right aq own ckp perh sdp mnde gniey..suke usik aq,,bnci..p aq suke..coz itulah detik2 manis aq an dier..
smlm mang happening coz tu first date aq an mr right aq..hepy cgt2 smpai aq tnggl sume mmber2 aq..kahkah,,cian..p aq mang da kate awl2 lagi law cipan dtg mang aq ta care doh at korang n da na balik bwu aq kol korang,,depa stuju jer,,,hehehe,,mang bez glerrr,,,jmpe rmay gler yg diknali..smpai mmber lam fb own aq jmpe..aq pelik sume cam aq tapi aq ta cam diaorg..smlm jmpe sorang mmber lam fb..dier tetibe ckp..deaya lerhhh oi deaya lerhh..(deaya lerh uhh fb lame aq) aq pelik r..aq g at dier..i knl u kerw?? dier ckp apew ta knl nyerr..neyh zaykhan loo..aq pk2 haaaa zaykhan kwn zaty..huhu..first time aq tgk zaykhan..(actually zaykhan uhh pena minx kape an aq p aq tolak coz aq cube utk belajr setie an cipan..)
tgk wyg an cipan smlm(mr right aq laa) tgk cite REAL STEEL
bez glerr lha cite neyh,,dy cite pasal ank and ayh..p bez yg penting sesuai utk sape saje...p yg wat aq bosan...ermm cite neyh lame cgt leyh kate na dkt 3 jam aq dok lam wyg..lame cgt..smpai terase na tertido..cipan r pilih cite neyhh..dy ckp bez lha apew lhaa..aq ikud jer,,bese r syg at dier an..p aq ta fokus ane tgk cite neyh coz fokus at cipan jer yg lbeyh,,hahaha,,,sweet time mase uhh...huhu aq skew cgt..cipan romenik org nyer..suke guwau2..wat lawak so aq sentiase trsyum an gelak2 bile aq cipan..love u pa!
tapi cian cipan,,haha,,tawu ark aq and mmber dier tnggl dier sbelom msok wyg..dier dok beli popcorn an air..lmbt cgt..cite uhh da start..so aq kci aq tiket at cipan then aq an mmber dier msok wyg tros..tnggl cipan bersame 3 cup air coke..2 r lmbt cgt..pdn muke..cite daa start suku,,bwu cipan masok..2 pown nano cari ktaowng..aq nmpk dah saje jer na tgk cipan cmne,,niat aq na kenat dier coz lam wyg an gelap..dah lah hall no 1 uhh esa cgt..dan org lam wyg uhh mmg full so mmg pyg cipan na criw ktaowng TAPI dier an aq cyg so ta trgamak doe...aq nyalakn enset aq mcm bagi signal lha aq ade at cniey..so dier own pegi lha at ktaowng,,dier ckp bapok malu bawak 3 cup air,,abg hok jge wyg uhh smpai tergelok tgk pa tawu x..esh tnggl pa asal..kahkah..aq diam jer,,wat2 fokus tgk cite,,ptuw dier tarik muke aq,,ta dngr er org ckp neyhh,,aq diam jer..dy mkn popcorn bapok byk..sweet cgt aq tgk..yg aq taleyh blah amek nop ka sedawa bapok gong..terkjot aq..gilo! pwe sape tawu dah sedawa kuat patuw wat muke ta berslh lak.haha bongok...p sweet lhaa..hepi cgt..bese aq tgk wyg tade lha ase aircon kuat cm uhh tetibe smlm kuat gler mybe sbb ujan...so pnjam la jaket cipan..huhu,,nice cipan,,love u...
lame cgt wyg uhh naek bosan aq...na tdow na landing sume terase time uh..start 2.30 smpai lha 4.45 bwu abes...lme boh,,kuor2 di wayang amek ko ta thn na kncing hahaha..yela bape lame dok lam wyg..hepy cgt kuor an cipan..detik trindah aq na dier..LOVE HAS NO distance..
tapi aq sedeyh bile na balik..sdeyh na berpisah an cipan...
hahaha..padahal arini jmpe gak coz cipan aq bk loo aq lak at uma tok aq neyhh..hahaha..sengal ko deaya..skunk own na windu at ciapn..cipan miss u a a lot...ok neyh pic aq g hangout smlm..tapi ta sempat na brgmbr an cipan coz mang ta cukup time lngsung mybe sbb hepy cgt an cipan smpai sume mnde aq lupe..hahaha..cipan,cipan....
Sunday, October 23, 2011
love has no distance..

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