REDHAA DGNN APA YGG TERJADI,,aku terimaa semua ini dgnn hati ygg ikhlass sygg..
deayaᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ◕‿◕: Thursday, October 13
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 13, 2011

crazy of this korean drama...

 ta pena tgk drama neyhh!!!
gilerr rugi law ta tgk coz cite nehh my bezgilerrbabeng
wahh first time aq tgk cite neyhh tros aq falling love with it!!
 cite bez glerr..tgk lawhhh weyhh
 i love it :)

::yOU reAD LIKE You CaRE aBouT ME::

Pasta Ost. You're cute 귀여운 넌 - After School

::yOU reAD LIKE You CaRE aBouT ME::

so much story...

haaaa...thats me??? omg!! like grave ghost(pepandai jer aq trnslet kn hntu kubur jdi 'grave ghost'
aahh that me borink lha so i snap2 my pic..use wedcam jer..
i took this pic at my cousin,,he says" pic yg xleyh blah"
ala asyik wt muke CUTE jer test r lak wt muke KOYA
so much story that wanna to telling..

listen this i wanna story described photo that i upload lerhhh..

see this??? who is the EVER HANDSOME BOY??
like granddad right??
ouchh deaya watch out your mouth!!
hahaha..cepuk kunk!
neyh lha BF AQ
why?? shock with my word??
of course lah bf in capital "boyfriend"
dont understand??
kwn lelaki lha!!!
not sweetheart..but i think he also my sayangS
but he different with MY IRFAN K
his name is SALEHUDDIN B.SA'YA
i call him soleh..sometimes i call him NERD
u know why he look cute when he become nerd,,i like it>>
dy kwn aq lelaki aq yg rapat cgt
if i have prob i'll share with him..he also do like that
see K.R.L.B taw..
i fell so lucky meet him in im form3..
coz we both pndah time skool rndah..
n lost contact lhaa..
p/s: soleh neyhh bf aq dri tadika lagi thats y we rapat..
n now im hepy coz im meet him again n become besties 4eva...
love u soleh as friend

smlm aq kemas bilik buang sgale buku yg ade bwh katil aq uhh
ta gne dah an buku uhh dri f0rm1 aq simpan,,taon dpn da naek f4 so get ready to be mature dear~
mcm2 aq jmpe some photo and story behind this pic...

fail rekod peribadi??
kuikuikui...neyh lha file aq time aq skool rendah dluw..
time neyhh aq skoll at SKBK.
what that??
hahaha..see my hair at that photo??
waaaa cm helmet!!!
lucu dong..(versi indon)
hahaha,,,tergelak habes aq tgk achievment aq time time skool rndah dluw..
giler upenyer cokmo jdi plajr cmerlang
no wonder aq tgk at uma aq penuh an maddle kcmerlangan..
owhhh smart IQ upenyer..
hahaha...alah time skool rndah sume org leyh an..hahaha >.<

aq godeh agy bwh katil aq uhh,,then aq jmpe this...
im not sure aq er yg buat??
i think not lha coz aq mang failed law bab jahit!
jahil aq leyhh arr..haha..juz joking dear~
p seingt aq,skirt neyhh kerja kursus f1..
mase neyhh,,YA ALLAH..sengsara gler doe..
u know what??
dont know right??
time neyh aq bljr an ckgu yg cgt2 garang..
dah lah kuat sume perfect jer..
law wt kje ta perfect siap lha ko kne an mulut dy yg pedas lagi bisa ble mndengarnyer..~
p ckgu lam garang2 dy dy ok sbenrnyer..
i aq xskew cgt lerrr...not me only but whole my classmates lhaa
aq amek ert mang r kne jahit2..
ehh p aq tataw r btol or x..xkompem neyh time f1 or f2..hahhaa
*na cite cgt p xingt pe daa~
p yg aq bengang bile ckgu uhh mrh 1 kelas ktaowng coz lewat masuk klas..
she says "neyh bkn klaz al bannna tapi ney klas al bangang!"
siot an..hahha..but dah lepas bia an brlalu..

gilerbabeng!!! see that!!???
parokk!!!hahahhaaha,,laugh lha..
join me ehhh..
i bought this when im in form 1..
u know what..ta pena bace ownn
hahaha..dah f3 own ta bce..
mang aquh xkn bace lha,,nonsense..
yuckk!! i hate perturan,,srabut ehhh
mybe smpai tue aq xkn tawu isi kndungan
this BOOK!!

kulup time neyh weyhh ane rety berbelog agy..
na tles diary sume by writing..
aq bace bku neyhh, lucu r..
im juz in standard 6 loo..
kecik2 da pndai na tles diary..
that figure my life is so suck right???
ermm juz forget what the past..

aq godeh2 agy bwh katil aq uhh..
trkojot koi!!
mati2 aq ingt mnde xd..
it look like so familliar..
stelah aq ingt2 lagi..
neyh lah first time aq wt kje kayu mase aq standard 4..

aq xingt mase bile aq g tioman island
p yg pasti hnye souvenir jer yg ade..
p dont care lhaa..tioman island mang salu g loo
my home village at citu lhaa...
mama rmai family at citu..
also ade tanah at citu..
so aq mang sokmo pergi ler..
ta kessa lha an tioman neyhh
dah puas,..
p law g citu mang xkn ase na balik
coz at citu sooo nature..
i like scene..
also has many waterfall..
air dier, ya allah cejuuukkkk!!
bese lha air dari gunung,,SO FRESH
so slalu2 lha dtg tioman island (pomot lak dah)

aq jmpe neyhh!!!
2 lencana sekolah lha beby~kuikui..
neyh lencana time skoll rendah..
mase aq skool at skbk ler...
rndu doe at skola neyh..
aq skool at cniey dri aq standard 1-5 jer..
standard 6 aq skool at skbg(bukit goh)
coz my family pndah cini,,my dad beli rumah at cniey..
skunk an skola uhh dah change r..
na tawu x??
kaler skola uhh da brubh,,kaler TERUS MAJU!!!
oppss na VOUGUE cket kaler MEGAMALL LERR
glamm cket..hahaha ^^

siapakah minah lam pic neyhh>.<
skema plak uhh..
ermm sape lagi alw bkn tuan tanah belog neyhh..
lucu boh..wat malu jerr..
beza an aq skunk right...
skunk makin chumill an..opss trpuji lak..
bese lhaa i ikud peredaran mase beb..
so dri mase ke smase i brubh u..
silap2 ari bulan nnti u all sume xknl aq lak..
coz trlmpau ikud peredaran mase..pohhh parokkk!!
pic neyhh time aq standard 6
aq sanp pic neyhh coz na wt kad library..
bese lah i rajin contohi lha i..
adoi asl aq asyik na pomot jerpp neyhh,,mybe aq hepy cgt kutt,,tadaaaa~

perhhhh!! skema girl come back dear!!
aq neyh laaahh weiii..buruk r..
p upgrade lah cket dri pic hok xd..ork??
upgrade cket jela..
ta byk own..ta maju lngsung..
ney time aq f1..
hahaha.time neyh own da ade peminat taw..hahaha
jgn men2 derrr...
yg aq pelik asl aq xlipat tudung an,,jdi lebarbabeng gtuwh aq tgk..
huh! sumbak lha aq tgk pic neyhh..

amboi siap senyum...kelazz kau deaya!!
hahaha..neyh lah pic time aq nga kemas2 bilik aq..
kutip2 buku utk dibuang..
haaha...huduh ork,,memey r sbb xmndi agy time neyhh
pyjama pink lagi dah kate aq peminat pink..
pinky lover ok dear~

aq jmpe domo r!!!
aq giler domo ngokngek~
haha..ntah r bile tgk domo aq jdi lembik
lembik meant aq jdi lemah,jdi hepy!!
domo2 neyh dilukis oleh mmber aq..
amylia rahim lerr...

aq neyh mang skew an yezz megazines..
bezz lha ..n citer2 lam neyh sume colourful mcm page2 dierr...
aq peminat yezz..
aq start kumpul mjlah yezz start disember 2009..
smpai lha skunk awk..
saya minat yezz awk..
minat cgt awk..

 haa..this mjalh sekolah aq..
xbest lngsung..
dah lah itamputih
mahal lak uhh,,skola kedekut amng gtuwh,,
mjlh yezz murah tpiw colourful glerr
law mjlah skolah aq,,HARAMM!
dah lha xbest..mahal lak uhh...
beli own sbb na tgk pic aq jer..hahaha

 neyh buku text yg harus aq pulangkn..
p bku txt sc aq ilang..
trpkse byr..
p aq xkn ade care aq tersndiri looo..

korang na tawu ark citer buku neyhh..
nak x?? nak kerw xnak bace jelah!
haha..mrh2 lak,,coey sayangs
buku neyhh aq beli an harga RM1
korang ade r?? xde an??
haa bruntung jdi deaya an..
actually bku neyhh teacher tini na buang2..alang2 aq na pmr aq na beli lhaa
teacher jual siya se..
rmai gak classmate aq,,buku neyhhh aq beli time aq dok banna dlue..

* pnt arh law ikud an aty na update agy entry neyhh p aq pnt,,ta sabar na tgk hasil entry neyhh..huhu,,

::yOU reAD LIKE You CaRE aBouT ME::